The Coolest Blog Ever
Welcome to the blog page
This page is for me to share stuff I like and things that have been on my mind. I'll update it periodically, and post screenshots of past blogs in the Archive page. I also kept the "Current Media Consumption" page on here too for reference when you read my blog posts. Lol. Okay bro. Enjoy.
Blog Post Board
Blog Post #1 - 2/20/25
Today I spent most of the day doing this page, but I also got to enjoy some time with close friends and my dearest. I woke up roughly around 10:45am, got ready for the day and went to my college's dining hall where I enjoyed some breakfast with my friends, and had a good donut. Later, I worked on some assigned readings and studying for an upcoming exam for my Asian Government and Politics class, which I am seriously behind in... anyway. After that I spent some time with my other half and that was fun, we watched funny videos on the internet. Then I went to this really nice coffee house with them and another friend of mine and had some really good Yemeni tea, and some pastries. Delicious.
So yeah that was my day, but other than that I've been doing really well. I feel very proud of myself for my recent grades and academic accomplishments, as well as just how I've been doing overall mentally and emotionally. I need to go to the gym more but nonetheless I am doing alright physically. I want to get more into writing poetry and essays and I might include a section here for that. Who knows what will happen to that end.
I'm thinking about deleting some social media apps though, and just using limited stuff on my phone and computer. I like doing this stuff with Neocities, as well as writing things down in journals and essays. The current state of the world always gets to me and I hate it. It's very privileged for me to say I can just choose to ignore it, but in all honesty I have lost a lot of faith in being an "activist" to begin with. It's just too much at this point and I don't know how I could help nor do I have the time and energy to do so. Whatever...
At the end of the day I'm just going to live my life how I see fit. Continue to study Chinese history and language, read books on the like and have fun. I need to consume more media I must! But the bottom line is, I'm just hanging out having fun and being myself, and that's what matters. Byeee.
signed yours truly,